Title: (un)fashioning the fashion department
Year: 2021
Location: Amterdam
Material: Digital print, silver silkscreen, engraving, lasercut

Graphic design for LAPS fellows exhibit : (un)fashioning the fashion department / fashion&furious / considering fashion / doing fashion.

Commisioned by Mo Veld & Mika Perlmutter

As the main point in the Netherlands, LAPS, Research Institute for Art and Public Space, contributes to the development, disclosure and presentation of knowledge on art and public space. The research institute carries out research, on the one hand on fundamental questions and basic principles in regard to art, design and the public domain, and on the other hand on practical problems in relation to specific situations. LAPS, Research Institute for Art and Public Space works for commissioners that vary from public authorities to organizations and freelancers. The research institute also initiates its own research and disperses the results through symposia, lectures, debates, publications and exhibitions.

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